Sunday, 27 September 2009

Cairns - Monday 28th September 2009

G’day Folks,

Sorry this edition is a little late, but I have been laid low with a very bad cold.

Well this is Cairns, which has changed out of all recognition from those many years ago; it is now a City that totally caters for the Tourist Trade. They are in the main Japanese and Chinese, who represent about 50% of the population, although the broad span of the Worlds population are represented, with native Australian’s being the minority. That is Cairns today.

However, wandering around visiting the Art-galleries, Libraries, and other noted places of interest, there is still an essence behind the scenes of the Old Cairns; it is in the Old Buildings, mostly Art Deco and the Housing which is inhabited by the many Islanders, (not Tribal Peoples) who have come down over the years from the Torres Islands off Cape York.

Yes! There are the indigenous Australian Tribal peoples, but they are in the minority and seem to have adapted to City Life, they are well mannered and Grog (Liquor) seems to be not as visible, nor abused, like the many other places I have been.

(Ooph’s I stand corrected on the Bus out of town today, a very large Tribal woman set about a small defenceless Tribal man; she gave him a straight “Kappow!” and split his lip open).

I now also understand that there are very strong animosities towards the Torres Island people, by the Australian Tribal peoples. (Methinks it is about who gets the biggest share of the Pie attitude!)

I have caught a very bad Cold and boy! it is bad (Not one of those Mans Colds I can tell you!) laying me low for about 7 days, problem is I cannot take any old pill, not even the elixir of life, so I have to suffer in silence!! (I have since learnt that the chap in the next Caravan has had it for 2 weeks already and that is where mine came from!)

Once I am fit and well (The first instance of illness on this trip) I shall be looking at the Tours that are available. Met a South African family who are doing all the tours, and they have kindly kept me fully informed of what is deemed “Value for Money”, so far looking at the wide range of tours, there are many that fit the bill.

Surprisingly, it has rained nearly everyday, it comes either in the morning or through the night and beats your brains out! However, when it clears, it clears quickly.

To quickly contradict what I have just said, the weather has turned bright and sunny and has been like an early spring day for the past 4 days.

We have been assailed, as you will have read, by a Dust Storm that has thrown 175,000 tonnes of Red Dust every hour, from the Simpson Desert across the entire Eastern Sea-Board, from Adelaide in the South to Cairns in the North. This has caused many problems with breathing, and the sale of mouth masks have soared, if this a fore-taste of the Nuclear Winter, then we will have a serious problem.

Had the opportunity to visit Port Douglas (Deckchairs!) which I did say I would give a miss. Unbelievably, what do I encounter – Deck Chairs! - At A$25 a throw, but they were very large sun-loungers (plastic) with Umbrella at A$10 and about 50 available for hire.

I have now given up all hopes of sending for my Deck-Chairs from Saudi Arabia and will just pocket the nice profit I made on selling them to an Australian, he was trying to sell them back to me for £400 (My profit on the original deal - £700) so it is a thanks! but no thanks! situation.

Transportation: Buses run very well, around every ½ hour, with fares into what they call the Transit Mall (Centre of Town) at A$5.60 return (£2.80), again you can hop on or off as you like, the ticket last 24 hours, and you do not even have to stand at a noted bus-stop all you do is raise your hand and they stop! Great!

Funnies: The Campsite that I am staying at was due an inspection by the Tourist Board on what number of Stars they would be awarded, well! It happened to be the Day that I was leaving to do the Rotary Club – Sightsavers Int’ presentation, there I was dressed to the nines and popped into the office to buy my newspaper, they did not recognise me out of my “Beach-Bum’s” outfit and were quick to question me on who I was?

My immediate remark was to confirm that I was the Tourist Inspector they were expecting, and apologised for being early, to watch a note of total alarm come over the Ladies face, you can imagine, so I had to beat a hasty retreat and tell them who in fact I was, very amused to find that the focal point of the Camps jungle-drums was my escapade, they took it all in great spirits!

Reminded me of when I was in the same position in a fish & Chip shop in Halifax, again dressed to the nines, I spotted a notice that said that the local newspaper was sending inspectors out to find the “Best Fish & Chip Shop” in West Yorkshire.

The Boss commented on my mode of dress and I instantly replied that I was the Fish & Chip Inspector, before I could laugh it off and tell him the truth, he went about serving me the largest and freshest portion of Fish & Chips in the World, (Who am I to spoil his impression?).

A few days later, there was a story in the Newspaper that a Phoney Fish & Chip Inspector, dressed rather smartly, was cadging gigantic portions of Fish & Chips and if any body spotted him, they would get a reward (an even larger portion of Fish & Chips I wager!)

I just could not go back to that Fish & Chip shop, even if he was the best one in the County.

Flora & Fauna: I have noticed that here in the tropics there are Parasitic/Afrasitic/Fungi plants that attach themselves to the trees, (Have some great photos) you can get three enormous and combined plants all using one another in some way, as a means of Life support for each of them.

Reminds me of the “Day of the Triffids & The Alien’s” when you see how they have or are, slowly assimilating into each other.

Wildlife: There are a large number of Lizards roaming about, they are inquisitive and I believe that if I start to feed them tit-bits, they may become friendly, I will let you know, if you do not hear from me again, you will know that my belief was wrong and they have got me!

This Caravan Park has a river running through it, which is well stocked with fish but in addition, they have Turtles and they are large in size and numbers.

This is the place a Twitcher would call heaven, as there is a wide variety of Tropical Birds everywhere, Kookaburras are very large in numbers and at 5.45am they start the Dawn Chorus, you certainly do not need and Alarm Clock!!

Cairns Beach has flocks of Herons, Pelicans and Egrets, all feasting on the huge numbers of Mud-Crabs that populate the muddy shoreline.

There is no swimming allowed in the Sea this far North, due to the possibility of Sea Crocodiles (Salties) having a nibble of your toes!

Sightsavers: Have completed the Cairns Rotary Club, one of the best-done to-date. The Cairns Lions Club completed and the Cairns Lioness’s to be completed on the 5th October.

I told you that the parcel of information, brochures etc. etc that had been sent ahead for me from the UK had been sent back. Well having had sent by Airmail another parcel of Brochures, I went to the PO to pick them up, to find I have to wait 14 days for them to be cleared from customs, I think I shall use the “Pony Express” from now on!

Neighbours: I have made the acquaintance of my neighbours, (Victor, Tanya and their son Anthony), who are extremely nice Guys. Anthony in particular at 3 ½ years of age, is an astonishing young man, very wordy, expresses himself well and always, always, says thank you very much for everything, (Mum & Dad are worried that the Lemonade, Bisquits, etc will make him hyper! He does not need any encouragement; he is just a great little man!).

Followers: I have been informed by Google, that I now have 150+ followers, even the Lady from Shanghai (Remember her) is still suggesting that she is available to join me!! (I am saving up!!)

Airfares: I have been asked by a number of people about bucket shops, and how to find out about them. In particular, those friends who wish to travel to Melbourne in 2010, have a look at; he will sort you out as he did me, is reliable and everything is on-line, although I have mentioned Air Tickets, they cover all modes of transport, so go on ask the question?

That is all this time folks, Keep well and Keep Smiling.

Nigel J Gauder
28th September 2009.

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