Friday, 10 July 2009

Saturday 11th July - Hugenden

Good Evening All, (Dixon of Dock Green?)

2,255 Klicks (1,410 Miles) further on from the last Blog. (Darwin)

I stayed at Katherine for another 3 days, because unknown to me, the Wednesday (1st July), was “Territory Day” and would be celebrated with a huge “Fireworks Display” just across the road from where I am camped, the locals call it “Guy Fawkes day” but do not know Guy Fawkes or what he represents, so that was quite amusing, proved to be a wonderful sight.

Had my 1st Australian Veggie meal, lots of assorted veggies, oranges, pineapples, cooked in the Camp kitchen, lovely grub!!

My stay at Bitter SpringsMataranka was again educational, I met with Billy Vorstelman (of Dutch Heritage) who kindly not only provided my Dinner of Giant Prawns, but also when we went fishing, I very nearly, on his advice, and instead of Steak or Lamb using live Fish as bait, and with two bites I nearly caught a very large Barramundi Fish (He got away) but next time!

Swimming in Bitter Springs Clear Blue Spa water at 35 degree’s is quite heavenly, and gives the body that much sought after lift.

Down to Daly Waters, which is a major Tourist Stop and a Pub, where nearly 100 Caravans & Tourist Buses stop every day, disgorge their passenger’s for a drink and to visit, what must be the quaintest “Pub” in Australia, the beer was not arf’ good as well, they had a singer called “Chook” who has been singing there for 40 years

Everyone who visits has left a memento, the Bra Bar is the most Famous, what the Buxom Lasses had to wear when they left, and the mind boggles!! I shall not mention the “Under-pants Bar” all with typical Aussie rude suggestions, you would love it Girls!

I have now travelled down to Three Ways (Nr Tenants Creek) via Mataranka (Bitter Springs) Larrimar & Daly Waters, and decided in my wisdom to turn left for Townsville.

“Alice” as Alice Springs is colloquially known, was is another 400 miles further on, and then to turn around and come back to turn right to Townsville, seemed pointless, I shall however, when I get to Adelaide and Port Augusta come back up the line to Alice.

My route for the past 2 weeks, has been left onto the A66 (The Barkly Highway) Barkly Homestead then to Camooweal (Stayed 1 night) met two people Dell & John who I had met at another Campsite earlier, they had broken down and were forced to await a spare part for their Land-Rover, they invited me to a great Dinner.

Entered Queensland – Clocks 30 mins ahead, now at 9 Hours ahead of the UK, onto the A2 then Mount Isa (Stayed 1 night) Mount Isa is renowned for having the Worlds deepest Mine producing Copper, Lead, Silver, Zinc, plus it is Australia’s Rodeo Town. Chased the RAC Office (remember that 60 hours of awaiting help) got a complaints form and will now bulletise their HQ.

On to Richmond (stayed 2 nights), a Magic Township, difficult to outline in detail, but if the gate to heaven does not have a name, they should name it “Richmond”.

Believe me this is more than a co-incidence, who should I meet yet once again, Dell & John who this time had had a tyre blow-out on them and had come into Richmond to get a replacement.

Then, via Hughenden to Charters Towers, and on into Townsville, my final destination, where I intend to stop awhile.

That was the Master Plan, but just 18 klicks short of Hugenden NCS had a major problem, a water-hose had become disconnected and Wham Bang! She blew her casket, the RAC towed me into Hughenden, where the local garage informed me that he could not consider looking at her until Monday 13th (This was Friday 10th) until then I had to wait around. My policy with the RAC covers me for 3 night’s accommodation, but I have to wait until Monday when we know the extent of the work and time to complete it, before they will confirm a room for 3 nights. Luckily NCS is self-contained, so I rest on an area of a Service Station (Called Servo’s here) until Monday.

I firmly believe that the water-hose became disconnected due to the state of the Highway, which is appalling.

Transport/Driving: Should mention the major forms of Interstate Transport as being the “Greyhound Buses” (Red in Colour) that travel though a prolonged journey between the major Cities, then between Adelaide and Darwin via Alice Springs, there is “The Ghan” Train Service (Very Famous) covering 3,500 Klicks (2,200 Miles). It is a many class Service, 1st/2nd/3rd and 4th with fares from $A2, 500 down to $A99.

My average speed is at between 56/60 mph, that has to be good, compared to the mad hectic need to speed back home.

Out of Mount Isa, the A2 is a roller-coaster of a Highway, badly needs updating and repair, the worst Highway in Australia methinks!

For you Mike, the price of Fuel is now at 70p per litre, but I have been warned that as I move South & West, the price will increase by 4.5p per litre due to increased taxes, will keep you posted.

Funnies/Co-Incidences: Now, the “Australian Wave”. The main one recognised internationally is the wave that is “The Fly Swat”, but we then move to the “Travellers Wave”, every single Traveller who is identified as being on Holiday or on the long haul, in a noticeable form of transport (4x4/Caravan/Ute/Lorry/Bus/Road Train) will and does wave to you, you in turn must wave back (It is compulsory!) at first I thought I was seeing people who I knew?. But no! It is the “Return Wave” that is important, there are three basic waves, the full frontal (Palm outwards and a firm Wave) the single finger wave (Your Index finger and clenched fist) and finally with both hands on the wheel, the two index fingers upright) wave.

They all mean G’day, “Have a Safe Trip” (Wherever you are going) and is a “Comfort Statement” that “You are Not Alone” out there. (Go on! Try it on the M1!!).

Sign in Gents; A Prostate Cancer awareness Poster proclaimed, “No Bum – No Finger, all it involves is a little prick” get yours today!

Met a fellow Welshman at Daly Waters, (who had “I am the Stig” on his T-Shirt) he just happened to have been 16 years ago, a Licensee of a Pub in Gorseinon. Swansea. His name? - “Nigel”. He knew me and my favourite Liquor Wholesaler “Jack Sullivan” well sorry, but I could not remember him, I am afraid.

Walking through the Campsite, I found a bunch of keys; they were labelled as “Jan Wallace – Mobile Number – Swansea”. I went to the site office, sent a text saying that the keys were there, and then noticed it was Swansea. Tasmania (Not South Wales).

You may recall the Broome Blog, I told you of a woman who on the stroke of 5pm, started to play the accordion, well here I am in Daly Waters (2,000 klicks further on), and what do I hear on the stroke of 5pm, the same lady playing the same tunes.

Right next door to me at Threeways an Australian, started to play his Harmonica and sing the Australian version of a range of lilts that astounded me! With him was a young Englishman, Nick Scaites from Wakefield. UK, who was, along with the Ozzie Guy, bicycling around Australia? These Guys are Mad!!

Whilst swimming in one of the Springs, I noticed a couple arrive with really very heavily laden bicycles, they too were off around Australia, where were they from? The Slovakian Republic!!!

For those of you following this Trek on Google Earth, I will be painting on the top of NCS a large NJG, so if you see me, give me a toot! I will wave back, I promise.

Tribal Peoples: I had said that I would now steer away from further debate on the Tribal Peoples, but in a conversation with a group of people, I was told that before 1967 The Tribal people’s had no rights at all, they were not classed as Australians, were banned from working, if they did it was for 25% of the Australian pay, they had a curfew applied to them and lived on declared Reservations and if they broke that curfew, they were automatically gaoled.

Their allocated allowance was doled out by the Police, just enough to keep them quiet! No wonder they are resentful!!

Finale; “We should therefore judge each society, not by its external technical achievements but by the position and meaning it gives to man, by the value it puts on human dignity and human conscience”
Frederick Forsyth “The Devil’s Alternative” Circa 1979.

The Blog: I have been asked how do I write so much and when do I do it? Well, the secret has been to do it daily, and since I am in winter with “lights-out” at 6.30pm, I take 15 minutes daily, to bring the Blog up-to-date, thereby recalling each event as it happens.

Also people have noted my liking for comma’s and full stops, et al, well folks I do the Spelling and Grammar check (although we all know it is the American version) so any errors I make, I put my hand’s up to, the American ones, I no nothing, I am from Barcelona!!

Flora & Fauna: Road kills now include a number of Emu’s along with every other species previously mentioned, Magpies continue to bombard my head, (Drawing Blood), Jay Birds (naked as a Jay Bird as the saying goes) are rampant then we have the Disciple Birds (They only ever group together in 12’s)

I have passed through cattle Country, where the Stations (or Downs as they are called) are vast, some larger than the UK. The cattle are mainly Short-Horn’s or Bramha’s (That is the one’s with large humps behind their heads and a long sagging jowl – they are huge) in talking to a Drover who had just spent 6 months sorting the Bulls out, he told me that they were sending 6,000 of them to China, seems they love the Beef (Organic you know?)

I have seen my 1st Chook, a chicken that lives and thrives in one’s back-yard is called a Chook as opposed to a chicken; Wallabies everywhere (That is except when my friend Billy Vorstelman has not got his Bow & Arrow to-hand, he is a crack-shot and likes a Wallaby Steak's.

I have been surprised by the return to growth that the Bush can undertake when it has suffered a Bush-Fire, it quickly revives itself, I have many photographs of the before and after, they are stunning, as they show the devastation of a Bush-Fire and within a short time (6 weeks) the re-growth that is taking place.

Photographs: Sorry again Folks, we are having a major problem posting them, so what I have decided is – Let me know that you would like a copy of a CD with all 600 of them!, which I shall post to your home address, but you have to give me your correct home address, just in case I do not have it, they will arrive intermittently, they will be captioned and I hope you enjoy!


NCS: I espied a Trailer over the other side of this Camp (Richmond) who do graphic signage, so at last!, I have been able to place her rightful title on the front of the Camper- Van, she had asked for it to be done, so for $A45 she is now the proud owner of the title “The Nutcracker Sweet”.

She asked for a wash & brush-up (Done!) Tyres checked (Done!) Water & Oil check (Done!) and like all good girls who get a lot of TLC she now runs like and Angel. (This was just the day before the Casket went!!) Have had a number of Garage created problems, all of which costs and now I have a 2nd Windscreen to buy (Only $A300 - £150 a time) so she was feeling and performing well, but we shall see!

Until 2 weeks time, keep well folks!

Nigel J Gauder

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