Sunday, 19 April 2009

Sunday 19th April 2009

Well Folks, I have just finished my ironing before the Big Day, tomorrow the 20th April I start North leaving here Bunbury and driving 550 Klicks (That is Kilometres divided by 1.6 to get the miles) for Dongara which will take about 6/7 hours.

This has been a great week (Sorry Folks if I sound like I am rubbing it in, I am not, it has been just a fact) My Camper-Van, from here on in to referred to as NCS (The Nutcracker Sweet), has been brought upto speed and passed all the tests, and with the help of my Friends Ron & Gloria, Ron being Mr.Camper-Van, has planned the route, checked out NCS, advised me on all matters Camping Sites, the good, the bad, and the down right ugly, right the way through to Darwin

Gloria has kept me fed and watered and I have gained weight.

Now the week, The Easter weekend was spent Camping at Margaret River with Friends from Perth (Photo's to come , once I have learnt to post them) wild life galore, Kangaroo's (A 300 Herd) Cockatoo's (Flocks) Possums (Plenty) 5 Kookaburra's (A Laughing Bird) who ate out of our hand. Under-Canvas here was an experience, there was a problem of where to put the Fridge and the Kitchen Sink!! but we managed. Never drank so much Beer in my Life!! but it was a super weekend.

I had intended to buy 2 Jack-Russells some time soon, but since I have learnt that by observation that they are the National Dog of Australia (everybody seems to have one) and that there are so many restrictions at Camping-Sites, I have had to put that one on the back-burner, Sorry Dogs you would have enjoyed it!!

To those of you who have emailed me, thanks Guys it is appreciated, especially my long-time friend Mike Sanderson, we have been Mate's since we were 10 years of age and boy! do we have stories to tell, they may appear from time to time as Commercial breaks, so watch for them!

I have not yet decided on which ISP I will be using, they are so different, the coverage in some cases is un-reliable and price? Strewth Mates! from 15 Pounds (Basic) per month to 60 Pounds for one that may, I stress may, give me coverage. So as I travel I will pick the brains of fellow travellers and then decide.That means that I will be using the Library Service and local Telephone Centres to reply, so please bear with me as I learn the rules to this
new game.

By the way NCS is fully automatic, and when we cleaning and checking we found (After buying 4 New Tyres) a New unused tyre under the rear step! She now has 6 Tyres!!!!!

My Journey Plan will change quite dramatically from the one 1st Posted, and I can do Darwin in 2 Months (I had judged 4 Months) the interesting places I am about to encounter will be posted as I progress.

So Keep well all.

Nigel JG

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