Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Thursday 10th December 2009 - Coffs Harbour NSW
Google has killed off the hacker that tried to disrupt my Blog. They had inserted into the photograph montage of followers a virus, so I suggest that you do not attempt to open any of the photos otherwise AOK to view.
I have now been joined by Jacqueline out of the UK, for the remainder of this trip; she has sought to rough it a bit! Well have no doubt she will be roughing it a lot! Nevertheless, to have companionship, someone to talk to, debate, argue, discuss aspects of what we see and do, will restore my sanity after this long while on my own.
Now into my 9th Month, with Christmas soon upon us, it is extremely difficult to assimilate Christmas with an outside temperature of 41° and Carol singing along with Karaoke (a sign I saw along the roadside outside a Pub).
We are now a further 2,500 klicks down the line from my last Blog sent from Cairns, which seemed to be a long-stay from the norm, plenty to do, made many friends (Dinner with Tim Thomas and his new bride Jing) and again have revised my opinion on Cairns, it has great people, great energy and a very bright future and there is no doubt that with the Great Barrier Reef on the door-step, Tourism will continue to grow, the next target market is the 1.4 Billion Chinese.
Our route as outlined in my last Blog, was Townsville & Magnetic Island, Mission Beach (Where the Landlords – Chris & Kim, of the Caravan Park invited us to a BBQ on their retirement, that was absolutely superb) then down to Bowen (5 Days) to meet-up with John & Dell Alletson, again great Company, many dinners and yarns (Australians excel at what they call the Bull-Shitting Hour) when over a few Stubbies, and possibly a few bottles of Vino, they attempt to outdo friends by topping their stories.
I must tell you about the last breakfast (not supper) at Mission Beach, it was started with a fresh Coconut off a tree, topped the head and poured the Juice into a glass (Last did this in India in 1981) the juice contains all the nutrients the body requires, Fresh ripe Mangoes picked straight off a tree, then a bunch of Bananas again fresh off a tree, that is shades of Paradise, is it not?
Then onto the Whitsunday Islands (Snorkelling, beach combing et al) then the town of Clearview where the park was right on the beach with Turtles, Crocs abounding, on to Woodgate, (where Kangaroos roamed around the Camp and were quite domesticated. (The worst rain-storm to-date overnight). We visited to Childers, an old town retaining all the character of old times and was the town that experienced the worst Back-Packers Fire, where 13 Young people from many countries, including the UK, lost their lives. Also toured Bunderberg the home of Australia’s Number 1 drink "Bundy" Rum.
Then down to Rockhampton, which is astride the Tropic of Capricorn, the bottom most line of Tropical Australia, (I passed the Tropic of Capricorn heading North to Monkey Mia in WA at the start of my trip).
Then Folks it was to stay for a week with Alec & Joyce Hall (Alec of the Prospecting Fame) at a small town/village "Coominya" (50 klicks west of Brisbane) this was one of the most pleasant experiences I have ever had, we were made very welcome, even played Bowls and won a Chook (Chicken). (I have sewn the Bowlers’ Champion Badge to my shirt).We ate well, slept well, talked long and hard, Joyce was a joy and a cook! Boy if that girl was not spoken for!!
Alec is a real raconteur, has a wealth of knowledge and experiences, and supported by Joyce, will keep you in stitches for hours.
It is true that Small Town Australia is another World, small and beautiful. We have visited towns Like Lowood, Fernvale and Ipswich, which in themselves reflected the true Australian Spirit of friendliness.
Now it is New South Wales, a stop at Byron Bay to be exact, named after the infamous Lord Byron (he of both Poetry and Incestuous behaviour) the Campsite (Beaches Bay) was one of the worst I have encountered in my entire trip to-date. Overpriced, dirty and with very poor amenities, although not having booked in advance (have not done so to-date) you take what comes, pot-luck, 6 of one and 6 of the other.
Now at Coffs Harbour (Sawtell Camp-site) what a difference! Clean, value for money, space and empty of people (I mean the Backpackers that seem to take over and unless they have a measure of discipline, run riot to everyone’s detriment.
Transport: You may remember the repairs that I wrote about, done by Toyota in Katherine (sometime back) well having to get NCS checked over for the next part of the trip, I took her to Glenn in Townsville also asked him to reconnect my Radio. Well upon examining same, he found that Toyota had not taken out the Fuse; they had just cut the connecting wires and never bothered to tape up the bare live wires. I am after them again, this time with serious intent!
Mike, Gas now at 62p per litre!
Weight: I have now reduced my portly frame to 11 stone 7 lbs having lost in total 22 Kilos. It is the weight I was when I was 20 years of age, maybe I shall start eating again!
Christmas: We will attempt to get to Tasmania for Christmas, it will be a tight squeeze and having checked the prices, very very expensive, so we shall see, just in case and you may think I have forgotten "Nadolig Lawen ar Bleddwyn Nuedd Dda" Pob Luc 2010.
(A translation from the Welsh "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year – Good Luck for 2010") to you all, sorry if you have not had a card this year, but!
Funnies: I had written on my Christmas Cards for 40 Years exactly that above, apart that is, from the Good Luck, I did write "Pob Hwyl" but when on Holiday in North Wales and putting a Pint down my throat in a local Pub, I toasted a chap that I had been talking to with a "Pob Hwyl" he remarked "Where are you going?" and then confirmed that Pob Hwyl was in fact "Good Bye".
What a fool I felt and no one had ever corrected me, even my Children, who speak Welsh as a first language!!
Flora & Fauna: This is a problem. Have just come through 2 major Bush-Fires which were raging along the roadside and created dark thoughts of racing to reach a million miles per hour, just in case! and as you can guess, not many animals!
They do say here, that 50% of Australia is on-fire at any one time, it is true.
There is nothing new to report; apart from all the F&F I have already reported in earlier Blogs, except that Pelicans are now prevalent, the day at Steve Irwin’s Zoo ensured that we saw all of the diverse Creatures that inhabit this great continent.
I will let Jackie have a few words, which I trust will reflect her initial views on all things Australian.
Well what can I say that Nigel hasn’t already told you? I was last here 25 years ago but that was a whistle stop tour around the major cities. This time I flew into Cairns and found the heat overwhelming. I thought that I had conquered it by the end of the first week but no such luck!
Anyway, 6 weeks on it is easier to cope with but as Nigel has said, it leads to a rather fast weight loss.
Now that we have left, the tropics behind I miss them. They are so different from the UK-the trees, beautiful flowers, birds, animals, fruit and weather. You really know that you are abroad there.
As for the language, I am slowly learning ‘Strine’ but trying not to pick up some of the ‘riper’ language.
This is such a wonderful experience and I am trying to remember it all but I fear that Christmas will be very strange this year- carols and turkey on the beach???? (back to Nigel)
That is it Folks for 2009, so I will bid you farewell, I hope that Father Christmas brings you all you desire and that all is well for you in 2010.
I hope too that God is kind to you.
Merry Christmas.
Nigel J Gauder.
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Stop Press - Hacker at Work!
Some Hacker has invaded my Blog and has placed an unknown virus onto the photos slot, please do not attempt to open any of the Photos, I am taking action to rectify the problem via Google!
Kind Regards
Nigel J Gauder
12th November 2009.
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Stop Press - Urgent Dispatches
Friday, 23 October 2009
26th October 2009 - Cairns
Hi There Everyone,
Well! I have lost track of time, the days merge into one another and it is difficult to work out what to do next! The master plan is still in place and I have basically adhered to it, but to take stock of one’s circumstances and ponder one’s mortality before I start the next part of my trek, is the order of today. (Friday 23rd October)
After sampling well the touristy bits of Cairns, The Barrier Reef, Green Island (Blue Island, Purple Island and Black Island), the Sky Rail, By Scenic Train to Kuranda and all points North, South East and West, we (NCS and I) depart south.
We shall be calling at Mission Beach (Again) Townsville (Again to meet with Tim Thomas and his new wife – Jing)) down to Bowen to meet with John and Dell Alletson (From our adventures on the Barkly/Flinders Highways) then to a place called Coomina (where my old friend Alec Hall – The Prospector/Fisherman) has invited us to stay a while.
Then the Grand Haul South, where I shall pause I do not know, but we will be missing the Big Cities, why? Cos’ they have all changed into Metropolis’s and have no interest to me and besides, there are too many other interesting places to go.
Today, I write my Blog in the midst of Rainstorms, the like I have not seen since I was at Dongara in WA at the very start of my trek, perhaps it is the start of the “Wet” who knows.
NCS: NCS suffered a few leaks today, but all manageable, it was just the force of the storm and the winds that caused them, had to consider adjusting the new awning, it was good, but bellied with the amount of rain falling, had to get someone to assist me in understanding the dynamics of tying off the guy ropes.
Will now have to waterproof her, since I believe she has not had a rubdown for 25 years and it is due. I had thought the old fashioned remedy of using Candle-Wax would be solution, but again taking advice from other people, the solution is to use a Pressure Spray Solution her on her that will make her leak proof which I have now completed, again we shall see what happens!
Costs: Thought you would like to have an idea about Costings & Budgets etc. so here goes: - As a guide I would refer you to this is the very basic Camper-van here and they are utilised a great deal by varying ages, teens through to the Grey Nomads.
The hire of one of these Campers, that is the basic cost, is at A$20,000 (£10,000) per year or about A$95 (£50 per day), without petrol, without insurance cover and without grubstakes! You can easily double/treble the cost therefore to about £20/30,000 per annum.
My budget was set at £20,000 (A$40,000) which allowed for any anomalies and any extra costs (not foreseen from the UK). NCS cost out of my initial budget £3,000, plus running repairs £2,500 & Petrol costs at about £3,000, plus Grub-Stakes at £2,500 as described in earlier Blogs, and believe me as I am halfway through, I am also just over halfway through my budget at £12,000 left.
Methinks I am quid’s in, as the initial outlay is always the steepest spending curve, then at some stage you settle down to a measure of control.
However, the surprising and hidden costs, sting like hell!
The savings have been a) the costs of Fuel (average 70p per litre) b) getting to know and use the Free Camp Sites (have used about 25 during my trek (Saving £10 per day) and c) starting to be a wily shopper and shopping around (perhaps one of the reasons I have lost weight) not really folks! But just a thought!
Funnies: I had written None! Then remembered a little something I thought you might find, interesting! like the UK, Oz promotional prices use the A$1.99/A$2.99 through to A$9.99 as a carrot to buy, but there are no 1 Cents in the currency, so if you decide to take advantage of a bargain, the price is rounded-up to the full Dollar i.e. A$2.00/A$3.00/A$10.00.
You may, or may not think this is odd, but there is an old adage which says “If I could have a single penny out of every Bank Account I would be a rich man” so how many A$ Cents, multiplied by xyz and over that many years, has made someone, somewhere, very rich?
Just a thought!
Flora & Fauna: Same as usual. Same old Crocs’ Birds, Snakes, Lizards, Spiders, Cockroaches, Gecko’s, Bandicoots (Like a large Rat but with a long snout) Flowers, Tree’s, Bushes, again et al.
Should also note that Cicada’s are rampant here in the tropics for about 3 hours every night, their high-pitched sexual mating call is consistently loud. Cicada’s are the beetle that lives at the base of trees and surface every 20 years to chase a potential mate, make love, and then they pop their clogs, all in 24 hours. “Now that is what I call a One Night Stand”.
However, there again I nearly forgot! Whilst walking to the nearest Woollies (4 klicks) I espied Mango Tree’s abundant with ripe fruit, so with one of my plastic carrier bags (Still in vogue here) I filled it to the brim and carried it back. Then thought what do I do with them? After taking advice from neighbours (and bribing them with some fruit), I washed them and filled my little fridge, then tasted one, absolutely delicious, ripe and juicy ready for the Plucking!
Transport: Mike, same as usual. Buses, Trains, Road-Trains, Bicycles, Tandems, Cars, Ute’s, again et al.
Newspapers: I take “The Australian” Newspaper every day, it is a Political Journal and the number of editorials taken straight from the “UK Times newspaper” makes me think that there is a tie-up between them.
They are covering (limited though it be) the situation in the UK, this week it primarily about Gordon Brown and David Cameron (expenses) and out of the blue, large coverage about Tony Blair’s possible elevation to the EU Presidency, it also covers the money he is earning, just £5 million per annum, not bad for an ex-prime minister, methinks that they are attempting to knobble him, so he does not get the EU job!
Distance Learning: You may recall my Blog from Broome, where I had bumped into a Family who had intended to been the road for 10 years, and had a son who was very bright and did all his schooling in what they term “Distance Learning”.
Well today, just opposite me, I observed a family, Mum (Eileen) and her Triplets (2 Sons - Cameron and Deklan a Daughter – Gabrielle, under-going their schooling, Mum was very adamant that they have 3 hours a day of home Schooling with one-on-one teaching by her.
This has been brought about because they are travelling between States, and each State has its own curriculum (There is no national unified curriculum)
The ability Eileen has, as a UK Ex-Pat journalist, to pick and choose the very best systems from around the World (i.e. Singapore have the best Maths results in the world) which she utilises to further their education. Again, my observations tell me that it seems to work.
Tribal Peoples: Sorry to refer back to this one, but there are two memorable conversations that I have had on this trip, which I had n are:
1) My friend the Pentecostal Minister when he first went into the local Communities many years ago, (See past Blog) remarked to the Elders that there was a pungent stench, and could they tell him what it was? They related that when their people pass-on they are laid out in the trees, where members of their Family can come forth and visit, they then dip their hands into the juices of the dead person, rubbing it all over their bodies, hence the stench! They still do this, as it is in their Culture and has been for the past 50,000 Years.
2) That the Tribal peoples are prone, after drink, to lay down in the roads at night to sleep, (I know I have seen this for my own eye’s) unfortunately, they also lay down on the major trunk roads, where because of their colour (Jet Black) they are not noticeable from any distance, the Road-Trains which travel at great speed, have on occasions, run over them, not knowing that they are people, thinking possibly Wild Animals, then they have drawn in to the next Road-House, and washed their vehicle down!
This fact is not even reported to the Police.
Google now tells me that 180+ people are following my expidition!!
Where the next Blog will come from I do not know, nor do I know the time span, but I will keep you posted Folks!
Keep Smiling.
Nigel J Gauder
26th October 2009.
Monday, 12 October 2009
13th October 2009 (Birthday Boy day) - Cairns.
Hello Everyone,
This is my 2nd Blog from Cairns and into my 7th Month of my trek, having had tours, explanations et al from all and sundry, and having recovered from my Cold, I feel like a short up-date will be the order of the day!
Since this is Korea’s National Day (031009) and I met a crowd of them rehearsing with their big noisy concert to celebrate, I have been asked to include them into my blog, they feel a little miffed that I had mentioned everyone else but I had omitted them. Funny that! However, since my involvement with Koreans in my working life, they did seem to lack that confidence about themselves, these comments confirmed that perception.
I have reversed my view on Cairns and the surrounding Touristy bits. Tourism is the Major Industry here with a very limited life-span, due to what is called “The Big Wet” (The Monsoon Season) which starts about November and finishes in March, with Rain Falls as high as 15 inches in a day.
Therefore, the Tourist Industry has to get the most out of its market, like any Holiday Resort! Hence, it’s looking like, behaves like, and resembles Blackpool.
Funnies: I like travelling on Buses, Trains etc and having caught the bus quite a few times in and out of Cairns and having stopped every time at my usual “getting off stop”. I was truly amazed having pressed the “dinger” for my stop, to find us go sailing past, yelling at the Bus-Driver to stop, he shouted back “We never stop at this place”. Well, as you can imagine a slight tussle between us as to who was in the right, he again shouted “that if he stopped, he would be fined A$400 (£200)” and that I would have to go to the end of the line, so the end of the line it had to be!
All the other drivers, after this escapade, stopped at my usual stop.
It was suggested for me that to get good deals, I should pretend to be a local, and use the Camp Address as my local contact point.
Well! And to test the water, I went into a Hotel and asked the price per night, it was just A$195 (£99). I then asked if as a local I could get a better deal, they suggested that I went on-line and became a member of their Club. I did just that, and in due course, I receive an email that informed me, that as a New Member my “Welcome Pack” was waiting for me at their reception, along I go and collect same.
My membership card was Black in colour and my membership number was (Wait for it!) – 666 - (the devil incarnate). When I applied for the best room rate as a member, the price was A$104, a slight reduction of 50% in round figures; I have since learnt that the average reduction for locals is 40% off everything!
Miscellaneous: Sorry Guys but the Bucket shop contact for Airline Tickets is (Forgot the dot between his names).
NCS: I have worked wonders on NCS, she looks good and loved, I have taken her for a tour of the various Touristy places and she performed well. I now have the Australian habit of washing her and polishing her on a regular basis, but I have also learnt that the reason for people being so keen on having clean vehicles, is that back home in the Southern half of the Country, there is severe water-rationing and people are not allowed to wash their vehicles at all, so when they get to the North and water is aplenty, then a washing they do go!
Transport: Mike, petrol is down to £0.57p per litre, I know you will find it shocking!
I have also been, on occasions, been asked if I am a pensioner, my reply is always yes! Well that is a fact is it not? And bus fares have been automatically reduced to half-price thought if they ask me to prove it; I shall show them my UK Bus-Pass.
Reflections: I had thought on occasions, that having achieved what I set out to do, and now being many 1,000’s of Klicks further on in my trek, that the UK looked tempting and perhaps I would return home. However, the news out of the UK, reflected here in the newspapers, is that the UK is in dire straights; therefore I have decided not to add to the burden of the UK further, and return possibly in 2010.
Being a Mate, is a very important word here, it stems from the Military conflicts that Australia has been involved in over many years, and has evolved into the everyday use, with “Alright Mate?” as the most commonly used phrase. There is a positive attempt by at least 90% of people I have met, to live up to its general meaning, and they are very helpful in advice or assistance as and when needed. (I experience instances everyday)
It also binds the Australians into a “Togetherness” frame of mind, instil and retain a sense of “Social Cohesion” & “Nationalism”, which we in the UK have sadly lost.
Should however mention the coarseness of the Language, which is used in everyday terms, e.g. the word F**K is the norm’ (Along with every other known expletive) and spoken by all, Men, Women, and Children, not as a single expletive, but as an expression that covers every known situation. When you are first exposed to it, it hurts your ears! However, you then learn to understand that it is the Culture, based upon the harshness, first experienced by Convicts, and then the long haul through operating in very harsh climatic conditions, by the Pioneers, then the Miners and now the general populace.
No Apology I am afraid! I have been taken to task over my enthusiasm for what seems to be all things Australian, No Folks again it is speaking as I find.
Flora & Fauna: Crocodiles abound now and they are seen everyday both at sea and in the local creeks. There are trees of local fruit Mango’s, Pineapple Bushes, Oranges, Limes, Coconuts, and streams that flow full with Fish of all types, including Turtles.
Celebrations: This week (131009), I am a Birthday boy, which I have shared with my neighbours next door, Tanya (Birthday Girl) Victor and their Son Anthony, my friends Brett (Birthday Boy) & Carlie who have come up from Townsville enroute to going to the Tip of Australia – Cape York. The joint celebration was the renowned B.B.Q and lots of Amber Nectar.
That Folks is the short version; I shall shortly be travelling again very hard down the East Coast of Australia, and will include Tasmania. I shall try and fore-warn you of my planned route, but methinks like my original intention, it will change daily, but watch this space, and you will be amazed!
Keep Well.
Nigel J Gauder
13th October 2009.
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Cairns - Monday 28th September 2009
G’day Folks,
Sorry this edition is a little late, but I have been laid low with a very bad cold.
Well this is Cairns, which has changed out of all recognition from those many years ago; it is now a City that totally caters for the Tourist Trade. They are in the main Japanese and Chinese, who represent about 50% of the population, although the broad span of the Worlds population are represented, with native Australian’s being the minority. That is Cairns today.
However, wandering around visiting the Art-galleries, Libraries, and other noted places of interest, there is still an essence behind the scenes of the Old Cairns; it is in the Old Buildings, mostly Art Deco and the Housing which is inhabited by the many Islanders, (not Tribal Peoples) who have come down over the years from the Torres Islands off Cape York.
Yes! There are the indigenous Australian Tribal peoples, but they are in the minority and seem to have adapted to City Life, they are well mannered and Grog (Liquor) seems to be not as visible, nor abused, like the many other places I have been.
(Ooph’s I stand corrected on the Bus out of town today, a very large Tribal woman set about a small defenceless Tribal man; she gave him a straight “Kappow!” and split his lip open).
I now also understand that there are very strong animosities towards the Torres Island people, by the Australian Tribal peoples. (Methinks it is about who gets the biggest share of the Pie attitude!)
I have caught a very bad Cold and boy! it is bad (Not one of those Mans Colds I can tell you!) laying me low for about 7 days, problem is I cannot take any old pill, not even the elixir of life, so I have to suffer in silence!! (I have since learnt that the chap in the next Caravan has had it for 2 weeks already and that is where mine came from!)
Once I am fit and well (The first instance of illness on this trip) I shall be looking at the Tours that are available. Met a South African family who are doing all the tours, and they have kindly kept me fully informed of what is deemed “Value for Money”, so far looking at the wide range of tours, there are many that fit the bill.
Surprisingly, it has rained nearly everyday, it comes either in the morning or through the night and beats your brains out! However, when it clears, it clears quickly.
To quickly contradict what I have just said, the weather has turned bright and sunny and has been like an early spring day for the past 4 days.
We have been assailed, as you will have read, by a Dust Storm that has thrown 175,000 tonnes of Red Dust every hour, from the Simpson Desert across the entire Eastern Sea-Board, from Adelaide in the South to Cairns in the North. This has caused many problems with breathing, and the sale of mouth masks have soared, if this a fore-taste of the Nuclear Winter, then we will have a serious problem.
Had the opportunity to visit Port Douglas (Deckchairs!) which I did say I would give a miss. Unbelievably, what do I encounter – Deck Chairs! - At A$25 a throw, but they were very large sun-loungers (plastic) with Umbrella at A$10 and about 50 available for hire.
I have now given up all hopes of sending for my Deck-Chairs from Saudi Arabia and will just pocket the nice profit I made on selling them to an Australian, he was trying to sell them back to me for £400 (My profit on the original deal - £700) so it is a thanks! but no thanks! situation.
Transportation: Buses run very well, around every ½ hour, with fares into what they call the Transit Mall (Centre of Town) at A$5.60 return (£2.80), again you can hop on or off as you like, the ticket last 24 hours, and you do not even have to stand at a noted bus-stop all you do is raise your hand and they stop! Great!
Funnies: The Campsite that I am staying at was due an inspection by the Tourist Board on what number of Stars they would be awarded, well! It happened to be the Day that I was leaving to do the Rotary Club – Sightsavers Int’ presentation, there I was dressed to the nines and popped into the office to buy my newspaper, they did not recognise me out of my “Beach-Bum’s” outfit and were quick to question me on who I was?
My immediate remark was to confirm that I was the Tourist Inspector they were expecting, and apologised for being early, to watch a note of total alarm come over the Ladies face, you can imagine, so I had to beat a hasty retreat and tell them who in fact I was, very amused to find that the focal point of the Camps jungle-drums was my escapade, they took it all in great spirits!
Reminded me of when I was in the same position in a fish & Chip shop in Halifax, again dressed to the nines, I spotted a notice that said that the local newspaper was sending inspectors out to find the “Best Fish & Chip Shop” in West Yorkshire.
The Boss commented on my mode of dress and I instantly replied that I was the Fish & Chip Inspector, before I could laugh it off and tell him the truth, he went about serving me the largest and freshest portion of Fish & Chips in the World, (Who am I to spoil his impression?).
A few days later, there was a story in the Newspaper that a Phoney Fish & Chip Inspector, dressed rather smartly, was cadging gigantic portions of Fish & Chips and if any body spotted him, they would get a reward (an even larger portion of Fish & Chips I wager!)
I just could not go back to that Fish & Chip shop, even if he was the best one in the County.
Flora & Fauna: I have noticed that here in the tropics there are Parasitic/Afrasitic/Fungi plants that attach themselves to the trees, (Have some great photos) you can get three enormous and combined plants all using one another in some way, as a means of Life support for each of them.
Reminds me of the “Day of the Triffids & The Alien’s” when you see how they have or are, slowly assimilating into each other.
Wildlife: There are a large number of Lizards roaming about, they are inquisitive and I believe that if I start to feed them tit-bits, they may become friendly, I will let you know, if you do not hear from me again, you will know that my belief was wrong and they have got me!
This Caravan Park has a river running through it, which is well stocked with fish but in addition, they have Turtles and they are large in size and numbers.
This is the place a Twitcher would call heaven, as there is a wide variety of Tropical Birds everywhere, Kookaburras are very large in numbers and at 5.45am they start the Dawn Chorus, you certainly do not need and Alarm Clock!!
Cairns Beach has flocks of Herons, Pelicans and Egrets, all feasting on the huge numbers of Mud-Crabs that populate the muddy shoreline.
There is no swimming allowed in the Sea this far North, due to the possibility of Sea Crocodiles (Salties) having a nibble of your toes!
Sightsavers: Have completed the Cairns Rotary Club, one of the best-done to-date. The Cairns Lions Club completed and the Cairns Lioness’s to be completed on the 5th October.
I told you that the parcel of information, brochures etc. etc that had been sent ahead for me from the UK had been sent back. Well having had sent by Airmail another parcel of Brochures, I went to the PO to pick them up, to find I have to wait 14 days for them to be cleared from customs, I think I shall use the “Pony Express” from now on!
Neighbours: I have made the acquaintance of my neighbours, (Victor, Tanya and their son Anthony), who are extremely nice Guys. Anthony in particular at 3 ½ years of age, is an astonishing young man, very wordy, expresses himself well and always, always, says thank you very much for everything, (Mum & Dad are worried that the Lemonade, Bisquits, etc will make him hyper! He does not need any encouragement; he is just a great little man!).
Followers: I have been informed by Google, that I now have 150+ followers, even the Lady from Shanghai (Remember her) is still suggesting that she is available to join me!! (I am saving up!!)
Airfares: I have been asked by a number of people about bucket shops, and how to find out about them. In particular, those friends who wish to travel to Melbourne in 2010, have a look at; he will sort you out as he did me, is reliable and everything is on-line, although I have mentioned Air Tickets, they cover all modes of transport, so go on ask the question?
That is all this time folks, Keep well and Keep Smiling.
Nigel J Gauder
28th September 2009.
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Monday 14th September 2009 - Cairns. Queensland
Now at Cairns – Northern Queensland, (Cool Waters Caravan Park) the furthest point North I shall be staying, I intend to be here for a little while, as there are many things to do and see, as I am now bordering the “The Great Barrier Reef” the “Daintree Rain Forest” which are both now a “World Heritage Sites”.
On the Road here I passed, at least 80 miles of both Sugar & Banana Plantations that extended not only along the road-side, but as far inland as one can see. Queensland is known throughout Australia as the Banana Republic, or the people are Banana Benders, having seen great expanses of Sugar and Banana’s I can understand that cliché!
It has been a mass migration here, the “Grey Nomads” are heading south for home, as most of them come north to escape the winter from the States of New South Wales, Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria, so they head south as summer returns there.
It is strange to see, as in Mission Beach, Caravan Parks relatively empty and the few remaining Campers pausing, before they start to head for Home, taking up-to 4/6 weeks to make the journey! (Prices should therefore fall steeply?)
The two weeks at Mission Beach, South Mission Beach and Bingil Beach, was a true taste of Paradise, Beaches that one walks everyday and although (together) they are 20 miles long, it is well worth it.
Worth mentioning that on the very last day at Mission, I met on the Beach a Cancer Surgeon who specialised in Melanoma’s, who I persuaded to look me over, he declared that I would have no problems, as I am dark-skinned, but to be careful!
My weight has stabilised at 13 Stone, I had thought that I had gained a little, but no! I am static and feel good for it.
NCS & I had our very first heavy Tropical Storm (“O o O’ Noah didn’t it Rain!) Awoke to a very hot 33° humid morning, but by the afternoon the rain had stopped and the Sun came out (With his hat on!) and things were much improved.
NCS came through Trumps, no leaks, no problems, and started first time when I decided to turn her over! (The motor I mean!), plus for the 1st time I had to refill the gas bottle, which has lasted 6 months, cost A$20 (£10) not bad methinks, but I have no idea how much a Gas bottle should last, or what it cost to refill!! (Idiot!)
For those looking down from Space (Google-Earth) you will be able to see what I mean about the Coastline, very long, white sanded beaches & beautiful Blue Sea’s, I trust I am tempting you to join me? If you look I have left a message written in the Sand, hope you can decipher it?
The presentations to both the Mission Beach Lions, Lioness’s and Rotary Clubs went well and I have for the 18th September the Cairns Rotary Club booked, plus I have to look for other Prides of Lioness’s! As well as The Lions.
I have decided to give Port Douglas, which is about 50 klicks North of Cairns a miss (remember the 1200 Deck chairs?) I have been informed that Port Douglas is the most expensive place in Australia, and with Hotel Accommodation at A$1500 (£900) per night; I cannot see deckchairs being the order of the day there, Can you?
Wildlife: Whilst walking the beach I came across the “Bluebottle Stinger” that will give you a nasty sting, decided to give swimming in the Sea a miss, I shall use the Camp Pool!
Saw the first drowned Wallaby, which was quite shock, but learned that both Kangaroo’s and Wallabies come down to the Sea to drink Sea Water, something about protein!
Spotted my first “Cassowary” (yes I have the photographs?) They have Red Heads, with a hard horn like growth (Crown) on their foreheads, and will attack you if threatened in any way! It is fact that the Male Cassowary is responsible for raising the chicks, so a little confusion reigns about who is in charge!
Again live Kangaroo’s and Wallabies are everywhere and seem very friendly, that is they do not scarper when we (Mankind) is about!
Passed 1,000’s of Egrets following tractors that were tilling the fields, just like we would back home see Seagulls, Parakeets are rife and also Oyster Catchers in abundance.
Miscellaneous: I have formed, here in Cairns, “The 1st Gentlemen’s Detective Agency” cos’ I have to set about finding an ex-colleague that worked for me here in Cairns 20+ years ago.
I had noted in an earlier Blog that my Diaries from working in Australia in the 80’s had been sent ahead of me, which contained all the information on all the people, Companies, telephone numbers et al so that I could touch-base with them during my sojourn!
It was that parcel that the Post Office Lost and with it all the information! That is a Bugger Folks! and believe it or not, I have just come from the PO where a parcel of Sightsavers Literature had been sent ahead for me, they have the PO that is, sent it back to the UK!!!
It has been and will continue to be, a guessing game, if I find him, then the knock on to that will be that he can point me in the direction of everyone else, I hope!
Just a thought, did you know that in 2007, 85 million campsite’s throughout Australia were occupied during that year?, bearing in mind that the population is only 21.5 million, that is a lot of people on the move and bears out my earlier impression that 50% or if the figures are right, all Australians seem to be on the move!
Funnies: Came across a Police Road-Block where they were breathalysing every single motorist, going North or South, I passed Thank God, but the Copper told me that he himself had been done 3 times in a week, I told him “He is obviously a Suspicious type”! What a giggle!
Transportation: Nothing to report, as I have been static for two weeks but Mike for you, Gas/Petrol is at £0.63p per litre.
Telecommunications: As proven many times now, there are huge holes in the coverage of Australia by Vodafone, they are useless, at Mission Beach as in many parts that I have found myself, the need to have access to a mobile signal, can be and has been in some instances absolutely vital.
I have just heard from my Mate “Tim Thomas” that his wife tobe “Jing” has got her immigration Visa, he is flying next week to the Philippines to pick her up and marry her asap. Good Lad that!
For those of you who have reacted to my mentioning “Loneliness” I thank you for your kind thoughts, what I meant was for this kind of trek you need company, it is long and arduous and in some instances lonely, to have someone to debate, argue, discuss those things that you see, would have been fun!
Love to you All.
Nigel J Gauder
Monday 14th September 2009.
Monday, 31 August 2009
Tuesday 1st September 2009 - Mission Beach
Here at Mission Beach, which is 230 Klicks (150 Miles) North of Townsville and halfway to Cairns.
Although Mission Beach experienced a major Typhoon (5 years ago) that destroyed many of its Beach side Palm Tree’s, they have recovered sufficiently for me to be able to cast my mind back to what it was, A Tropical Paradise.
Mission Beach is famous for its “Beach”, which is a 12 mile expanse of white sand, fringed with Coconut Palms, the beach strewn with Freshly dropped Coconuts, just across the Bay are a group of Islands (Easily accessible) called “Dunk Islands”.
Yes! Mission Beach has changed in 20+ years, expanding from a collection of houses (A Village) to become a Township, and an expensive one to live in at that.
Took a walk today (Sunday 30th) along the entire Beach, and came across exactly the same place that we had walked one stormy overcast afternoon, those many years ago.
Into the 6th Month of my Oz Adventure, I will be spending two weeks at Mission Beach, with both the Rotary & Lions Clubs organised on behalf of Sightsavers International, and unbelievably, I have found a Lioness’s Club, so I am a Nigel about to enter the Lioness’s Den!
Will also have the chance to show & test NCS’s new awning, plus her new ground sheets, so we both have progressed since leaving Bunbury all those many Klicks ago in kitting her out properly, and I adjusting to my new life style.
You may think that I am totally enamoured with all things Australian no, I am not! I think I am an extremely pragmatic person; it is just that in reflecting the events as they have unfolded, I given it you as it is! In addition, I did state at the beginning it would be with “Warts and All”, fortunately, the warts have been very small.
Just back a step; Townsville was a delight, things to do, places to go and a host of people to meet, just before I left “Tim Thomas” (the carpenter) returned from Hughenden, and we had the opportunity to toast both our friendship and au revoirs, so that was good.
My Campsite neighbours Brett & Carlie have been great sports and company . Extra lessons in Fishing were handy, B.B.Q’s on the Beach and plenty of Tinnies available whenever one felt a little thirst coming on!
Lo and Behold, my good friend Alec Hall (The Fisherman and Prospector) has made contact again, it has lifted my spirits no end, he wishes me to knock on his door as I go south, and I will do just that.
Funnies: I have taken quite a few photo’s of the type of work “Ladies” are involved in here, there are no boundaries or restrictions, Woman do the jobs that we would normally associate Men with, e.g. Dustbin Collection, Major Road Traffic Management (Not School crossing monitors) but controlling major Road Works etc.etc. In fact doing “a’ what comes naturally”, it is shocking!
Got thrown out of the Major Art Gallery in Townsville, some of the Art was superb, so I snapped happily away, until told to hand over my camera and chip, as I was infringing “Copyright”, I refused and therefore was asked to depart “Pronto”, the photo’s were great Folks, one day you will see them!
Have to explain the Thong-Bit, there are two types of Thongs, those that you put on your feet (Flip-Flops), they are the National Foot-ware of choice by at least 90% of Australians. Then there are the Thong-Thongs, you know what Women wear to catch our eyes Lads, they are worn by at least 75% of Women no matter what size of Bottom they have, and aren’t they a turn-on! I have seen more Rumble-Bums than in any other Country that I have visited, ever!
Wildlife: This is Cassowary country a Bird that is a small Emu type with a very large hard Crown, plus with a very bad temper and will attack if they consider they are threatened. Yes! Possums and Kookaburra’s, I also hear that Platypus’s are rife. There are many signs to make you aware that the Croc’ danger persists. I also photographed a Weaver Bird Colony in action, weaving a huge nest just a few tree’s away. Yet again, there are the warning signs about the deadly Stingers in the Sea, it seems that their breeding grounds are but just a few klicks along the Coast and all it needs is for the Sea to warm-up for them to spread themselves out.
Transport & Petrol: Again I should have mentioned in my last Blog the Bus situation in Townsville, for just $A2.50 (£1.25) you can Hop on and Hop off a bus anytime within 2 hours of your ticket purchase, 2 hours will take you to the end of the World! Petrol is now at $A1.20 (£0.60p) per Litre Mike.
What has disappeared very quickly I noticed en-route here, was that people no longer wave, even the Caravaner’s, so Folks I have returned to Civilisation and anti-social behaviour has reared its ugly head, comradeship has gone out of the Window!!
Haircut: Well another haircut time, now up to three, this time is was again a Woman, who ordered me into the chair, then in answer to “What do you want?” I said “Short Please”. She then got out the Clippers/Shears; you know the ones, them that give you a Universal Butch Cut of about ¼ inch!!
When I told her “no way Jose” (her name was actually Elaine) she launched into a tirade of abuse, stating that she had been cutting hair since 7.30am (It was now 9.30am) had not had her cup of tea! Had not read the newspaper! Now I had the audacity to ask her to use a scissors! Boy! Did I get nervous, should I run for it I thought? Before She starts, but it all ended well, but I had a close shave Folks!
Weather: It is now as I enter the Tropical Rain Forest Country, getting very hot (Today 33°) and Humid, so I shall have to ensure that I heed the good advice, given by everyone that one should not stay in the Sun too long. Although I remarked in my last Blog I am now a slight colour of Black, I shall heed the advice.
Keep Well Folks
Nigel J Gauder
Sunday 30th August 2009.
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Monday 17th August 2009 - Townsville
Hi Folks,
I had thought I would not do a Blog for at least 2 weeks, but as things would have it, here I am again. I am now firmly ensconced in Townsville, as I have been told that it is raining further North on a regular basis (Cairns) and until that settles and the Sun comes out I intend to stay here, I am now enter my 4th Week.
Townsville is a beautiful City, surrounded by clear Blue seas on three sides with great beaches and great walks, even the trek up to Castle Hill (6 Miles), at 45 min’s up and 20 min’s down, has the best scenic views that I have seen for quite a while.
The City also has the largest Aquarium in the World it was opened when I was last here 23 years ago and has expanded in such a way as to be quite an experience.
The weather is at 27° during the day, so I am taking an hour a day on the 10 mile beach to soak up the Sun and get that tan up to scratch, it is working, soon I will have a problem in determining my own Tribal background with that well worn joke - “Allo der Folks, I is yur nu neighbour!!
I have scored a 1st, I caught a Fish!! With my new neighbours, Brett & Kylie, and using a casting line I caught what is called a “Brim” so small we had to reluctantly throw him/her back in the briny, sobeit, but it was a catch and I am now a qualified with a union ticket, bona fide Fisherman, so there!
NCS: This seems to be quite a caper now and is a bit wearing, my patience with garages has been sorely tested as you know, but this week takes the biscuit.
All things being equal and ensuring that I double check everything, I had noticed a little water leaking from the Radiator, so as a precaution, I phoned the local reputable Radiator Guy (They are all Franchised Operators) and he suggested that he take a look, well as expected he did and quoted A$590 (£300) plus fitting of about A$200 (£100).
I did not tell him to get stuffed!, but went to see the Guy who for just A$20 bucks, altered my timing and set that right for me, he (Glenn) got out his little pressure gauge and tested the Radiator for leaks and found None! Yes None! Zilch! Nader! He told me there was nothing wrong with the Radiator and charged me just A$20. A saving of £390 over the first Guy. (But he did suggest that perhaps I buy a bottle of Radwell and bung that in, just in case, done!)
I am pleased to inform you that NCS will shortly have an Awning, hand-made and as befitting of a Queen. It cost all of $A260 (£130) but it will be worth it.
She now has it Folks! And boy! Does it look a treat, colour co-ordinated (Magnolia) and I have made a storage department, using 4” Plastic Piping fixed to the Rail that I put up in Hughenden, the Awning (Canopy) is 3 metres square, so quite large, will allow for both the Rain (Tropical) and as we move into the summer heat (40°) a large measure of shade as well.
Photographs: I dare not mention them, but I have a wealth of photographs of this part of Australia and will in due course find a way to translate them onto a CD and send them to those who would like 600+ photo’s of this trek to-date, (For those of you that have had CD’s I hope you enjoyed them, they are all captioned, and relate even though they are in Alphabetical order, directly to events in the Blogs).
Funnies: Having a morning shower the other day in the Ablution Block (as they are called here) there was suddenly a female voice that shouted “Which one are you in Harry?” – Harry shouts “In the end one Mavis” – a patter of tiny female tootsies and a deathly hush descended, whilst Mavis scurried to join Harry, the other 3 shower users (including me!) turned off their showers and listened with abated breath, to hear Harry and Mavis enjoying their early morning shower together!!
It is a pity she was not called “Sally!”
When attending the Townsville Rotary Club Bash, I noticed that there was a chap with the most garish and brash Hawaiian shirt, knowing that Rotarians are fussy about the compulsory wearing of Club Attire at Functions, I tasked him about his shirt! His reply was quite abrupt and he questioned me as to whether I was a Psychologist?? I discovered later that every Friday, instead of a dress-down day, they have a Hawaiian Shirt Day!! Oophs, sorry Fella!
Then during the bash, they have a session of Fining people for various misdemeanours, I was fined A$1 for the worst impersonation of (Yes!) David Attenborough, my excuse was that I had not brought the Gorilla’s with me this time!
Wildlife: Now seeing Possums for the 1st time, they are considered a pest, but they are beautiful to watch, Foxes are about, Jay Birds, Snakes, and in every creek there are signs warning about Crocodiles (Salties the nasty one’s), White Ibis’s are a normal domesticated bird and along with all the other species, are not in the least bit perturbed about us, the human species, that is! And we now see Swifts & Swallows starting to arrive for their nesting season.
Dish of the Day: I had for Dinner on Friday the usual “Fish & Chips” or so I thought, I went and ordered “Fish & Chips please” She asked if I wanted a full scoop of chips or a ½ scoop, being me I had the full scoop, when I collected (They only cook to order) my very well wrapped large parcel for £4.00, I adjourned to a beach-side table and unwrapped my parcel, having drooled all the there, Lo and behold, I had an enormous piece of Fish (Barramundi), and absolutely lashings of Chips with 4 slices of lemon (Enough for at least 3 people). I am truly amazed! Did I eat it all? No I couldn’t but the local Seagulls did!
This is short Blog Folks, otherwise I have to find things to write about, be creative, and not reflect the events of the day as they occur.
As you by now know Welshman/Women are verbose, they also use Six words when One will do, they use flowery language that permeates throughout their prose, and I shall do none of that.
There is an adage that I have used quite often in my travels, and that is “One Welshman is a problem, Two are Bloody trouble, and Three is a Choral Society” that goes down well in explaining to these kind folks the identity and culture of the Welsh people.
Thanks for all your emails and comments, they are appreciated, especially when one has moments (Although I have denied them to-date) of being in need of Friends, Romans and Countrymen/Women, it is otherwise known as loneliness and the need for Company.
On Saturday 22nd August I up-sticks and start to head North, heading for
Keep Smiling Winter has gone and Spring is around the corner.
Nigel J Gauder
Friday, 31 July 2009
Saturday 1st August 2009 - Townsville
Well Folks this is Townsville, just 400 Klicks (250 Miles) East of Hughenden and after 6 hours of careful driving, via the A6 Flinders/Bruce Highway which, like the previous road before Hughenden, is in urgent need of repair but, as I got nearer to Townsville, there was a rapid change to better road conditions.
I am ensconced just 4 klicks from the Town Centre, in The Rowes Bay Camp-site and alongside a 10 mile long sandy beach, overlooking Magnetic Island (so-called by Captain Cook, due to his Compass being put out of sync’ by the magnetic pull of the Island) Townsville itself is called after a Governor called Towns, about 150 years ago.
The last time I was here was 20+ years ago and Boy! Has it changed! From a small sleepy township of circa’ 60,000 people, to a Hustling, Bustling City of 250,000 people, with all that goes with that rapid growth, Plus it has a very large Military Base, used by all 3 services and recently 27,000 Americans and Aussie Troops took part in an exercise from here, it is this that sustains the City’s core Wealth.
But it still looks as inviting as it did then. Here for 2 weeks a) to catch my breath and b) to undertake 2 Lions and 1 Rotary Club presentations for Sightsavers, plus recall the sights asof 20 odd years ago, (The Townsville Sunrise Rotary presentation was on Friday 31st July @ 6.30am, which included breakfast, and attended by 65 Rotarians, the most ever to-date)
You may recall one of my 1st Blog’s, that noted that I viewed the journey from Bunbury to Townsville as a great adventure, and it has been all of that, even the small problems with NCS I have viewed as par for the course but in that, as I arrived on the East Coast of Australia (an area that I had worked extensively in the 80’s) I did express that perhaps it would not have the same excitement and boredom may set in, we shall see as I go!
Whilst here I will catch up with Tim Thomas (The Carpenter from Hughenden) who is working locally and also doing up, with a friend of his (Dave), a very large Catamaran, I have had the grand tour and have booked my around the world cruise as a deckhand in 3 years time, when it will be ready.
NCS: She cost less than what I thought, although I must tell you Spiro (The Garage) had primed me to expect a huge bill! It was actually A$1,600 (£800) instead of the initial estimate of A$3/4,000 (£2,000) that was a great relief I can tell you. She drove majestically all the way, even allowing for the suggested halts by Spiro, to check oil, water etc etc; which I did religiously, but it was nerve-racking all the way, listening for each odd sound, cough and splutter! But, I am here!
I have also had a small financial break with the Katherine Toyota Garage, the one that fixed everything? then it all fell apart once I was safely 200 klicks away from them, I took them to task and threatened legal action if they did not redeem me for the so-called shoddy workmanship they had done to NCS, after much to-doing on their part, they eventually coughed-up my A$481 that I had paid them, on pain of death and public exposure!! That will buy a few more Cigars!!
Spiro who had asked me to keep him posted on NCS’s progress! That is to be a two-edged sword; does he want to know how good his work has been? Or is he expecting a major calamity? I shall test the water on your behalf’s.
Post this paragraph, I had cause through Tim Thomas to utilise a Garage Friend of his to double-check NCS, you would not believe this Folks, but the timing was 21 Points out and the connecting cable to the Temp’ gauge had not been reconnected !!!!! Costs for correcting them A$20 (£10) what are we to do with these Guys??
Miscellaneous Info’: Did you know that Australian’s invented Corrugated Sheeting, which is now used throughout the World?
That 1 in 2 Australians will contract some form of cancer during their lifetimes, 50% of the population, the highest figure in the World?
That Road-Trains were created in
Have to explain the Aussie BBQ, it is indeed a National Institution, and relied on by all travellers who have a need to cook something up whilst on the move, this is facilitated by both the National and Local Governments, with rest areas, parks, etc: all having in-place a Gas fired BBQ, paid for by the authorities, and appreciated by all as a National right, they go along with the camp open wood-fires, that are part and parcel of Australian historical life, encapsulated in the song Waltzing Matilda - “Once was a Swagman camped by a Billabong” – all of that is in the psyche’ of the National Culture and ardently fostered by the powers that be.
An interesting note: It seems that all Australians talk about Towns & Cities like they are just around the corner, I believe this epitomises the great travelling desire of Aussies to know and experience their Country, with walk-about’s come drive-about’s being the core of that need and they yearn to do it! No matter what age, I have met 19 year old and 78 Years olds, Men, Women, entire Families, Couples, that are on the road or have been one the move for periods of “Just starting, to being in their 10th Year”.
NHS UK v NHS Australia: I had a need to replenish my stock of diabetes tablets and approached the local Doctor in Hughenden, it turned out that she was a Torres Islander, extremely pleasant and well versed in matters Diabetes (They had just finished a National Diabetes Awareness Week) she understood that there was a reciprocal arrangement with the UK NHS, but informed me that her Surgery was a private one and a 10 minute interview would cost me A$100, she instead pointed me to the local Hospital, where she took the afternoon surgery, (and it was for free) she also took my blood count which was at 6.2% (Very good) and gave me a prescription for 500 Tablets (A years supply for A$110) not a better service anywhere in the World, and I know!!
Funnies: Remember the American Grocer in Hughenden, well I went and placed a small bunch of grapes in a bag and proffered payment, he refused payment, and insisted that they were “Free of Charge”!
Then, same day when I visited the Butchers and asked for 4 rashers of Silverside, which he then cut for me, and said that they too were “Free of charge”!
I was truly amazed at the generosity of the people of Hughenden (Perhaps they thought I was need of feeding-up, since I have been told my weight loss is taking its toll).
Message on the wall of a Gents Toilet in Torrens Creek: “Sex is like Snow, it is unexpected and may be more than a few inches, when it comes, it is a surprise, and when it is gone, you miss it”
Signed: (Believe it or not by a) Nigel.
Good News Week:
Now the Real “Good News Story” after a bit of researching, I found “Max the hat” (The Pentecostal Minister who helped me when I was broken down) his real name is Max Wiltshire and if you browse the web i.e. you will read a truly amazing and interesting story on what this man has done, it is also a fact that he relates his involvement with the Tribal Peoples in a very pragmatic way, and after 32 Years of involvement he should know.
I am going to be in touch by email and ask him if he can assist with the development within the Tribal Peoples of Sightsavers International, as there is an urgent requirement in the Tribal communities for such help as specialist’s like Sightsavers can give regarding Cataracts, which many Tribal people suffer from.
Wildlife: A flock of Emu’s crossed my path enroute to Townsville, what a wonderful sight that was, I now have White Ibis’s everywhere, saw my first Sea Turtle on Sunday, whilst having a coffee on the Esplanade, and Sea Eagles & Buzzards, who have to fight off all the Seagulls at every turn, are in abundance. There is here a hidden menace, it is the Brown Stinger, a sea dwelling creature, not unlike a jelly-fish, but with a deadly set of tentacles that give a nasty toxic sting, which can be fatal. (The cure is an instant application of vinegar – bottles everywhere – and an emergency visit to Hospital)
Communications: I now have 24/7 coverage for my mobile (which is from the UK 0061 0420555829). The Major Telecom people boast that they cover 90% of the Country, what they actually mean to say is that they cover 90% of the population, and they all live on the East Coast!!
What they really have is Geographic 10% coverage; I now know that as a fact.
For those I have not been able to text, apart from the above fact, I have after 30 years lost the use of my hand-held computer, that contained all the important info' if you text me with your details, then I will re-enter into my lap-top.
Daily Routine: My routine has changed, as I am within striking distance of the Town Centre, about 8 klicks (there and back) away, I hoof it every day, have my coffee and newspaper (Crossword) and contemplate my navel for about 2 hours, then look at the nearest Tourist attractions that I can walk to, problem is that having been through here before, there is not much to see, but a walk up Castle Hill (Highest Peak) with views to kill for across the Countryside in one direction and out to Sea in the other direction, are stunning, and is on the cards to do!
One Morning had an emergency on my hands, a Tribal Lady had fallen down suffering a Fit, a young tribal girl asked me if I had a phone and could I call the Emergency Services, (what a pickle!) So I dialled 000 (The Emergency Number) they put me through the hoop, I had to explain exactly where I was, and what was actually wrong with the Lady in distress (I would know wouldn’t I, being a tourist an’ all) anyway we prevailed, and they arrived too sweet! The Lady fought tooth and nail against anything they attempted to do, whilst being caressed lovingly by her Husband. (A moving experience!)
The ambulance crew were great, but with a huge amount of Swine Flu about in the Tribal communities, they had to be very careful, but all ended well, she recovered and I hope she will be OK.
Petrol Prices: Mike just for you! the price of Petrol (Fuel) now at 0.59p per Litre, do not stamp your foot or write a letter, it will hurt!!
That is all Folks for this edition of the Nigel J Gauder Bulletin of events
Keep pedalling along.
Nigel J Gauder.