Monday, 31 May 2010

31st May 2010 at Home

Good Day Folks,

I had given myself until the end of May to have sorted all, so an update for your perusal.

Well! I am now settled back into the UK and would not have ever thought that I would be in exactly the same position I was in 18 Months ago.

Same Address, same neighbours, same location (Weymouth) and now with a Car and a Bicycle to-hand. The same views from my Windows, surrounded by all my personal effects, able once again to say hello to those many people who wished me “Bon Voyage” 18 Months ago, as I wander down the Promenade on my daily saunter to get my Morning Newspaper and have that large Flat White Coffee!

The move, sorting, adjusting, getting the Utilities organised, telling my Bank (who caused me many problems when I was down-under – they just did not believe that it was me wishing to draw my money, out of my account, those many thousands of miles away!!) and to start to pick-up the threads of getting back into the swing of working.

It is fun keeping in touch with those many Australians, who continue to want to know what is happening and also those many Brits who I met on my travels who are now also, back home.


One interesting and funny episode has occurred, it is that my friend Ron Moss (Bunbury – Australia) also dabbles in Family Trees and having seen the quality of the work and detail he produces, I challenged him, by commissioning him, to undertake completing my Family Tree.

What is the 1st thing he discovers? only that my Family Line stems from a lineage of the De Gauder’s circa 1066 and the Anglo-Saxon invasion of the UK.

Now do I instantly change my name to being a De Gauder? Or do I wait the outcome of Ron’s research? Will keep you posted Folks!


I am now back every Tuesday being the apprentice Carpenter with my 73 year old Friend – Peter Mowlam and so far so good, am progressing to being the Master Carpenter he hopes I will become. All I want is my Badge!


Work! What a dreadful word, being a 4-letter one at that! But an absolute necessity for me, not just the cash, but to keep the brain flowing alive and well, for the next 25 years!

Daily Costs:

The Cost of everything is on par with that of Australia, Food, Clothes (remember that having lost 4 stone, I am about to re-equip my wardrobe) petrol is expensive and is jumping around all over the place daily! But my Bus-Pass (Free) works very well and is worth about £10 (A$20) per week to the average pensioner.


We have just had the General Election, being a fervent Politico, a stimulating time to be back home, I have supported the Labour Party all my Life, but from time to time, they have needed a Number 9 up their back-sides, well they have had one, and now with the time to ponder, elect a new leader, change tack, regroup review all their policies, good & bad, and to come out fighting is upon them. But I also believe that we have seen a period of pure avarice by all “Polly’s” (Australian name for Politicians) and without fear or favour, they all need a lesson in trustworthiness“Of the people – By the people – For the people” quite simple is it not?

My Friend Peter Brown asked me, could I write a Manifesto? The answer is yes! Anyone can write a Manifesto! providing it is based on long term changes that advantage all the populace, not the few and takes care of those who fall down from time to time, “From each according to their ability” To each according to their need” that’s the maxim for fairness.

But I shall not try!


It is changeable, they say that Melbourne has 3 weather changes in any one day here in the UK we have changes 6 times in any one day, but boy! Do we have Sun Rises and Sun Sets! Equal and if not better than those I experienced down-under.

Flora & Fauna:

I am back to the norm’ here in the UK, the variety is just as stunning as that in Australia, but a more measured view of aspects, for both Flora & Fauna, is wide-spread throughout the whole of the UK.

Debates abound by the Environmentalists on whether for example; “Badgers should be culled throughout the UK” which simply means that we the Human Species eliminate a Wild Species called “Badgers” based upon unproven scientific research that has declared (but not proven) that Badgers spread TB into the Bovine herds of the UK.

The same debate in Australia is to cull both Camels & Kangaroo’s!

Personal Profile:

I have up-dated my personal profile, due to having watered it down whilst travelling to reflect being a simple-folk (Do not take that as an admission!) thus allowing no preconceived ideas to develop, when I met those many good people I described often in my Blog.

The Book!

You may well ask? I have commenced with the Preface and the 1st page, boy! Do I have some work to do, have decided that it will be in Biographical format, which will cover a lot of ground, so research is the order of the day? Watch this space folks, it will take some time! And the Title? Again you will have to wait and see which suggestion has come top of the pops!

Nigel J Gauder

31st May 2010.