Friday, 19 March 2010

Perth WA - Wednesday 17th March 2010

Hello All,

This is not it, nor will it be the Grand Finale of my Blog’s, I have decided to continue Blogging until the year-end, whereupon I shall, having reviewed my Diaries, recalled memories from the old Grey Matter, and utilising the blog, will commence “The Book” (It will have all the magic ingredients of “Sex – Murder - & Mayhem”) and sell at least 3 copies!

I am seeking a “Title” so if any of you have suggestions “Bring them on, Please!” I had thought “Around the Block” or “Divine Intervention” what do you think? And since there are now 220 followers of my Blog, someone has to have a bright idea!

In my blog’s, I have noted my deep affection for “The Nutcracker Sweet”, all true and from the heart.

I am now travelling between Bunbury and Perth, staying with Friends and attempting to sell "Nutcracker"!!

After having NCS paked on the Highway with the “For sale” signs posted, a chap called Josh came along and with a little encouragement, and in One day, after having spent time driving her, testing her, going through her with a fine toothcomb, then bringing along his partner Emma, they consulted and decided to buy her.

She has now gone to a good home to 2 young people (who originate from Kent UK) who have a desire to go “Around the Block” over the next 2 years. (I have heard those words so many times before).

They came and saw, asked all the right questions. I in reply, gave all the good news and quite deliberately noted the bad news, so that there were no grey areas, they even lay on the 4 Poster - Double Waterbed. Testing for size, bounce-ability, and NCS passed the test once again with flying colours.

Since I was leaving everything in NCS, (Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels) they could have left that day! Nevertheless, we had to haggle first.

The posted asking price was A$8,000 (£4,000) having bought her for A$6,000 (£3,000) we shook hands on A$7,200 and they paid in readies, that meant a profit (remember Lenny had left me with A$500 deposit) of A$1,700 (£850) not bad for free board & lodging for a year! I wish them well on their journey. I also left with them the 1994 Atlas that good Old Ron had given me, which had all the places visited spotted on the maps, as a guide.

They departed and I shed a little tear! “Goodbye Old Friend I said to myself, I wish you well!”

I also managed to sell the Air-Tickets which were Domestic usage only, (Virgin Blue gave me a credit), that recouped my out-lay by
50%. (They were the Air Tickets I purchased when Lenny had decided (Melbourne) to buy NCS)

Between advertising and selling “The Nutcracker” 4 days elapsed, and I am now a converted on-line champion and will consider always placing adverts on-line, I had no response from any of the other media I used!

I then felt as if someone had pricked my Balloon, deflated, lonely, spent out, knackered, in need of a drink and someone to talk to and a Cigar. So as the saying goes “Upwards and Onwards” we go, take a deep breath, take stock, and prepare for a return to “Blighty” asap.

That was not easy, Singapore Airlines were adamant that as I had purchased the tickets at a bargain price, they were not flexible, and I had to stick with my initial departure date of 31st March.

My reaction to that was “Rubbish” the facts were that they had sold me the tickets at a bargain price and I accepted them on the basis that should there be a need to change, I would not have a problem. They eventually agreed to make a change but at a cost of an additional A$400!

I have spent an enjoyable time between Ron & Gloria Moss (Bunbury) Steve & Christina Hill (Perth), being able to visit, and pickup those touristy things that I had missed many years ago.

One visit that I had to make was to the “Fremantle Sailing Club”, which was my base in 1989 when I was responsible for the Shore Facilities of the “Whitbread Around the World Yacht Race”, although that was 21 years ago, they still had memento's throughout the Club of that event.

Another visit was to discover the whereabouts of an Aboriginal Artist called Lance Chad (His Westernised Name), better known as Tjyllyungoo (Aboriginal name), who specialises in Landscapes of the “Dream-time” and of whom I purchased a picture in 1986 for A$2,500, only to find that on discovery, a sister picture to the one I have, was sold for A$30,000.

My efforts came to nought as poor old Lance was now in a place called “Greylands” which is an institution for the mentally disabled, but I now have a little more information in support of the picture I have.

I have also to make a mention of “Dorothy” who is related through the Family, and living in the outback Town of Penejori which is 400 klicks North East of Perth, she is a stalwart of a woman and although ill, is a battler of the highest order having visited her twice (800 klicks round trip). I wish you and Milly (Her Dog) well Dot!

Now Perth, The most isolated of Cities (3,000 miles to Sydney - 3,000 miles Singapore) is the most beautiful of Cities and one of the places that I may retire to, the others being Bunbury and Mission Beach, each one having tremendous appeal.

Western Australia has a land area that is 33% of the Australian Land-mass, a size in which you can place all the countries of Europe (Including the UK) but only has 2.2 million people, 1.8 million being in the Perth environs, but very very British or perhaps I should say English.

A great Holiday or Retirement Retreat/Destination! Moreover, a Young Peoples “Land of Opportunity”!

Therefore, Folks, I now depart Australia at 1.55am on Wednesday 17th March and arrive in London at 3.05pm on the 17th March via a 19 Hour Flight in a Time Machine (Aircraft).

Through this Blog I would like to extend my personal thanks to everyone of the people that I have met on my Journey, (It is hard to name every individual) those that l have spent time with chewing the cud (or the magic Bullshit Hours) having a Drinkie Poo with and falling down with, eating out under the stars of the many Camp-sites (The free ones being the best for Comradeship), sharing the Funny side of life, jesting as only Australians know how to Jest! Those dear Friends that I have met with, and will continue to communicate with, that have made my trek pleasurable and memorable.

I shall treasure All my Badges for Fishing – Prospecting – Hill Climbing – et al forever!

Finally, yet most importantly Folks, after a 28,168 Kilometres (17,388 Miles) Journey/Trek, we may well meet again "One Sunny Day", So watch this space!

Love you People

Nigel J Gauder

17th March 2010