G’Day or Good New Year, Folks,
Oohps! I’m Sorry! A number of you have asked what I am doing and where am I? Moreover, where is the updated Blog?
Well I had forgotten to tell you that down here it is the Grand Summer Break (School Holidays of 6 weeks, with everyone back at work on the 29th January) which means that the delay in updating was purely due to Holidays!
Once again A Happy New Year Everyone, as I said at the tail end of my last Blog, I hope that “God is kind to you” in this year of 2010.
It does not mean that I have gone all religious, it is just that two lovely people I met (Jewel and Karsten) not only left me a bible after meeting them at Cool Waters in Cairns, but left me with a firm impression, and I shall use it as a parting phrase from now on
Missed getting to Tasmania for Christmas, why? ‘cos the attractions Beaches – Local sights – Interesting events and things to do along the way, made us dawdle and linger, plus the attempt to drive the distance to “Tassie” within the shortest time, would mean a personal problem for me! It would simply be knackering!
Have to mention the Weather, I had noted that there has been a scarcity of rainfall in the 1st 8 Months of this trek, well, a major correction is called for, since Cairns it has rained (very heavy on occasions) about every 3 days and at the moment we are in a 3 day deluge, the infamous “Wet” that effects the Northern parts seasonally, has swept across the whole of Australia, bringing relief to those that need it (Drought stricken), and despair to those on their annual Holidays (Sun Worshippers), but that is dilemma in this huge and disparate Country.
But, have had a very interesting journey down so far, to where we are now and that is Resthaven Campsite (Great Proprietor – Colin Brown – Tel (03) 51560366) in Paynesville, which is just 300 klicks east of Melbourne, have come via Nambucca Heads – Kempsey – Taree – Stayed at Hawks Nest (Great) Swansea - Stayed at Blacksmiths Camp Site (Good) came via Newcastle – Hexham – Morpeth – Wallsend – Cardiff and Newport, all names that reflect the movement of Geordies and Welsh people to those parts of New South Wales in the 70’s.
Then into Sydney (although I had said that Cities would not be part of the master plan, having lived in Sydney for a number of years it was a must-see stopover).
Stayed at Botany Bay’s San Souci Camp-site, very expensive and not value for money and a no no for anyone else! But able to do all the touristy bits like, Manly Beach (See Funnies) The Rocks – Opera House – Botanical Gardens Central Business District (Where I had worked for a while) Tofts Monk at Elizabeth Bay (where I had lived) it has not changed one bit and that “The Shark” - Greg Norman who lived above me has moved to cheaper premises (Now he has to pay Chris Evert US$300 million in his divorce settlement).
Went to the David Jones New Year Sale and bought 2 egg-cups (which I had been meaning to buy since April last year) sat through a mighty Storm on Christmas Day but managed to have a great Christmas Turkey Dinner, along with Christmas Pud.
Then on towards the New Year, driving South via Cronulla – Woolangong – Port Kembla and Kiama. Being unable to get a Campsite (Due to the Holiday’s) went inland to a place called “Kangaroo Valley” (about 50 klicks from Kiama, which is itself 190 klicks south of Sydney) to a very nicely run Campsite and a grand Touristy Village, where we toasted the New Year in.
I have many times reflected on how the abundant Tourist Trade has usurped the shape and attitude of the local people, well the Village of “Kangaroo Valley” falls right into that bracket, and can be described thus – A clean, unstructured community whose eccentrically undefined Architecture, straddling a one main-street village, has added to its charms and whose 1,000 permanent residents are radically independent, politically conservative, gossipy by nature, and cosily middle upper-class, all thanks to the upscale Tourists, who provide enough seasonal income to keep the Village prosperous and comfortable all year round.
Down the Coast-line via Nowra – Milton – Ulladulla to Depot Beach Camp-site at Durras North, This was a National Park Camp, very very basic (no Power) but a good experience, then down to (through very heavy Rain) Batemans Bay – Narooma – Carbargo – Tilba Tilba – Bega – Merimbula to Eden (By name a Paradise) Campsite (stayed 5 nights) in what was truly a great Campsite for Hospitality, all those reflections of Australian kindness were well experienced.
Then into the State of Victoria, to Mallacoota for a good 3 night stop-over, then to Paynesville which is about 20 klicks west and south of Lakes Entrance (300 klicks east of Melbourne) where I am now dotting the I’s and crossing the t’s of this Blog update.
The Nutcracker Sweet!
I have spoken about the number of people who have expressed and interest in buying NCS, (six all told) well! Here are three events that encapsulate the type of situations I have found myself in.
At Blacksmiths Campsite (Swansea), a Lady approached asking if NCS was “For Sale”, as her Mum and Dad were intending to travel with them in March, the answer was maybe but at a price!
The next thing is Mum and Dad appeared, having driven up from the Hunter Valley, which was an hour away. Dad (Fred) who was an Austrian & 75 Years Old, had a drive around the park and decided that he wanted NCS, and if I made the decision that day! He would increase the price to A$6,500. On a handshake we did the deal. (I forgot to spit on my palm!)
I then had to inform Wolfgang Helft, (I know you do not remember, but Wolf was the Guy in Darwin who said that he would Fly-in to anywhere in Australia and pay me the asking price then of A$6,000), that I had come to a decision to sell and that as I had promised him 1st refusal, that NCS was on the Market.
Wolf of course, had changed his mind and his order of priorities did not include NCS (Thank God for that I said!)
Then having altered all my travel plans accordingly having promised Fred I would deliver NCS to the Hunter Valley in the 2nd week of February, I received a curt telephone message telling me that Fred the Austrian had no money, and could not go ahead with the deal – BASTARD!!
I then decided to place a sign in the windows, “For Sale” - “Lock, stock and Two Smoking Barrels” (which meant simply that I would sell her complete with all the gear) just to see what reaction I would get, I was not in a rush. Moreover, I felt that I would now be able to wash my hands on the price I would see what happened.
Then, when at Mallacoota, and relating the story to my next door neighbour, (Lenny) he reflecting that NCS was worth at least A$8,000+ and having slept on it, made me an instant offer of A$6,500 with a A$500 deposit!! There and then, so I snatched his hand off and good old NCS, who has done a sterling job for me over this past Year, will be in another safe pair of hands.
Then lo and behold, talking to another Neighbour (Josh) telling him I had just sold NCS, he exclaimed that had he known he would have rushed straight to the Bank and got me A$6,500!!!!
I will be delivering NCS to Lenny in Melbourne in due course, as I intend to do the Tasmanian Trip, before I then take stock and decide on the return to the UK, which was planned for the 31st March, having completed my 12-month trek.
I would recommend a Toyota Vehicle to anyone who asked me my opinion after this trip.
Transport & Fuel:
Mike, Fuel of all types is running at £0.75p per Litre, the rise being Taxes that are increased every year, just like the UK.
Sydney Buses were tremendous, for just AS$2.50 (£1.25p) for a Senior Citizen Ticket, which lasted a whole day, I could travel on Buses, Trains and Ferries around the City and its suburbs on the same ticket.
Visited Manly Beach in Sydney, which has allowed me over many years to relate the following story:
Due to the Government of the day in 1988, issuing a Diary in Celebration of the Bi-Centenary of Australia, which contained a series of anecdotes, this one is about the founding of “Manly Beach” which is across Sydney Harbour on the North shore.
Whilst Captain Cook sailed into Sydney Bay, Captain Phillip sailed on to the next bay and anchored.
Phillip, upon coming ashore, dressed as they did “To Kill” (Wigs – Dress Jackets – White Leggings – Banners flying – Trumpets Sounding etc etc) they were met by a crowd of local tribesmen, who upon seeing this sight (which must have hurt their eye’s) questioned Captain Phillip’s credentials as to whether he was “A Man or A Woman?”
Phillip taken aback, stated he was a “Man” the Tribesmen did not believe him and made him doff his trousers (Undress – Lower his pants!) and upon seeing he was a large man, named him "Manly", thereafter the Beach was rightly called “Manly” and that has stuck to this day and beyond.
Faux Paux:
I keep remembering a major error on my part, at the outset of my Trip I had been invited to spend a weekend Camping at Margaret River, along with Steve Hill, Family & Friends, knowing full well that I was obligated to contribute, along with the Grog, I picked up in the local Woolworth’s a very large Sausage Roll that since there was going to be 10 people+ would be good to eat at any B.B.Q.
During the past months every time I went into a Woolworth’s or such like Supermarket, I came across these Sausage Rolls, but upon close examination, found them to be “Dog-Meat” in the form of a Roll.
Folks you can imagine it can’t you, how do I apologise for getting it so wrong, and whom did I think I was going to feed, or of the people involved think I was trying to make a point!! Woof! Woof!
I am sorry Guys, I made an honest mistake, my fault, although I did try it, and it was delightful!!
Flora & Fauna:
Throughout this Trek, I have tried to reflect both the Flora and Fauna that I have personally experienced. Well, I must tell you that it just goes on and on; there is such a wide variety of differing Flora
Fauna: This recent trek (about 2,200 klicks) I have seen the same and new Bird species, but colouring and plumage changing all the time, Bush Turkeys – Noisy Friarbirds – Lyrebirds – Kookaburras screeching their early morning calls at 4.45am each day, but not alone, whole families!!
Flora: The Countryside (which has a 100-mile span in either direction from the road) is covered in many places by huge Forested National parks, with giant tree’s (Red & White Gums) Paper-Bark Tree’s, all growing for a Million Years, long before man ventured forth here! In addition, entered extensive farmlands manicured just like the UK, with cattle grazing everywhere.
Sightsavers International:
Have not reported my regular and on-going contact with various Lions/Rotary Clubs for some time, but it is on going and having an amount of success with each organisation.
Have also put the various Rotary Clubs in touch with the Melcombe Regis Rotary Club of Weymouth, extending fraternal greetings in each case (methinks the Boys are seeking an Australian Holiday)
I wish them good luck in the endeavours.
Health & Wealth:
There that is a new one, again my weight has stabilised (That is until the next weight-in!) and I have 3 lb, must be all that Christmas Pud!
Wealth? As I come towards the end of my Trek (I see the light ahead) I must now start to plan my return to the UK a poorer, but wiser man, and consider that this trip has been a great Investment.
All I will have to do when I return, is to regale one and all, along with the 1800 photographs (Which I shall put onto a Slide show) and charge an entrance fee of about a £5, and then I shall restore my wealth.
I have asked by a few people, who have had the greatest influence in my life, well! There have been three, two have been with me all my life and one that has proven to be a salutary lesson on trust, and they are:
Mike Sanderson, who I met when we were both about 12/13 years of age, and boy! Have we both experienced some great and some sad times together, Mike is the Mike in Transport and Fuel. We are now in both our dotage, but when we meet, which has been infrequently through the years, we just start talking as if there has been no time in between. I have had no better a true and honest Pal. Thanks Mike for being my Friend.
Tony Derry, was my long-time mentor during my working life, we worked together (he was always the Boss or Chief as we used to call him) for 25 years in the Scotch Whisky Industry, he was a very hard task-Master, but very fair in both the good times and the difficult ones, I enjoyed my time under his tutelage, he in turn brought out the best in me. Thanks Tony, I enjoyed it all!!
Jonathan Smithson: This was a man (I hesitated a little there) who taught me the most salutary lesson of untrustworthiness I have ever experienced in my life, a man who continually borrowed money, a man who I advised and helped whenever he needed it (and boy did he need it!), a man who had no perception of honesty trust and loyalty, who took an opportunity at my expense, to further his own career, by stabbing me in the back with the longest sharpest knife a coward could wield! What I would call today, an out and out wanker!!
There will be another Blog before I depart for home Folks, until then keep well and I be seeing you soon.
Nigel J Gauder
13th January 2010
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
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